evan rosen

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Book Collaboration Speaker Evan Rosen

The Bounty EffectThe Bounty Effect
7 Steps to The Culture of Collaboration®

The Bounty Effect happens when exigent circumstances compel businesses, governments and organizations to change their structures from command and control to collaborative. Triggers include disruptive market forces, new competitors, regional slowdowns, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and global downturns.

Why do organizations need to change their structures? The Industrial Age was command and control. The Information Age is collaboration. Yet Industrial Age structures render collaboration dead on arrival in the Information Age. Remnants of these structures—which still exist and are embedded in many organizations—inhibit people from using new collaborative methods and tools that spark innovation.

Seize the opportunity The Bounty Effect provides. In this book, discover how to replace obsolete organizational structures and cultures designed for the Industrial Age. Learn how to change the structure of any organization so that every worker is a knowledge worker and each team member produces results collaboratively regardless of level, role or region. See why organizations have been travelling down a well-worn road, because the new highway has yet to be built—until now.




Also see Evan's book, The Culture of Collaboration®.