Collaboration Workshops
The Culture of Collaboration® Workshop
17 Ways to Move from Competing to Cooperating in Your Organization
Getting all of your company's business units, functions and
regions to collaborate can create awesome value. Collaboration
melts away organizational barriers and silos to achieve goals.
Results include faster, better decisions and decreased time-to-market.
Based on the book by the same name, The Culture of Collaboration® Workshop
can jump start collaboration in your organization. This 2-hour
or 4-hour workshop developed by author and strategist Evan Rosen
and a leading corporate learning and development professional
is available globally either on-site or online. Participants
learn the 10 Cultural Elements of Collaboration and recognize
ways to fit collaboration into work styles and lifestyles. They
also take away new methods to achieve team and organizational
goals. And they learn how to make culture, environment and tools
more collaborative.
Who Should Attend
Leaders and team members in marketing, sales,
human resources, engineering, information technology, corporate
communications, finance, business development, research & development
and related functions
During this Powerful Workshop, You Will Gain
the Knowledge to:
Break through Organizational Barriers and Silos
- Identify and neutralize silo syndrome
- Build cross-functional cohesion
- Use tools to break through barriers
- Learn 10 common attributes of collaborative cultures
Streamline Decision-Making
- Bridge the gap between strategy and execution
- Make faster, better decisions
- Learn how to involve key stakeholders in decisions
- Energize team members at every level
Increase Efficiency in Time-to-Market and Time-to-Goal
- Reduce product and service development time
- Learn how tools and culture can reduce time-to-goal
- Apply lessons from leading collaborative organizations
Lead Collaboratively
- Apply 11 collaborative leadership methods
- Instill collaborative culture
- Enhance relationships with team members
Create Value Through Collaboration
- Learn how collaboration can deliver bottom-line results
- Unite functions, business units and regions
- Create more productive workplace environment
The Culture of Collaboration® Seminar
Culture of Collaboration® Seminar is a day-long
program customized to fit the needs of your organization.